Looking for one particular subject? Or want to search a particular industry such as Pharmaceutical & Biomedical? You can focus your searches by limiting them to specific databases or industries.
Find out which databases you’re searching
Information about which databases you are currently searching is displayed in the blue bar at the top of the ProQuest window.
Here’s an example of how it looks:
You are searching: 81 databases (See list | Change >>)
See list
View which databases you’re searching by clicking See list. A list of your selected databases will appear in a small new window. The database list can be viewed by name or by industry. To change your database search list click Change database selections.
You can easily change which databases you’re searching by clicking Change. This link takes you to the Select Databases screen, where you can choose which databases to search.
Select databases
Select the databases you would like to search, then click the Use selected databases button. Select or deselect all databases at one time by checking or unchecking the check box at the top of the database list.
View by name
Select View by name to view an alphabetical list of all available databases.
View by industry
Choose an industry to search only databases related to that industry.
Choose the amount of detail to display for each database
Items in your database list are available in either Brief View or Detailed View. Click the links above the list to switch between the views.
Brief view includes the journal title and date, the database ID and an indication of whether full text is available, along with a link to more information about that title. Trial databases are also shown. Detailed view includes the same information as Brief View, plus the following:
- Content types included in the database
- Subjects covered
- When available, a link to the title list for that database
Search databases within a subject area
Using the Select databases page, choose View by industry. Find your industry in the list, for instance Healthcare, and then click Search Healthcare industry.
Within any industry, you’ll only find databases relating to that particular industry. Some databases may be found in multiple industries.
Search a collection of databases
Some ProQuest Dialog databases contain other databases; for example, your institution may subscribe to a collection of databases, such as GeoRef, which contains databases such as the GeoRef and GeoRef In Process. These "child" databases can be shown ord hidden by using the + Show included databases and - Hide included databases links.
Search one database
To search one database, find it within the Select databases list and click the database title, or check the box on the left and click the Use selected databases button.
Learn more about a database
On each individual database's home page you can find more information about:
- Brief description of the database
- Subject coverage
- Title lists
Further information for each database is available at www.proquest.com