Use the Create widget page to add a ProQuest search box to a Web page, for example a library homepage. Users can then search ProQuest directly from the library’s homepage.
Important to know: To search with your widget, users who visit your page must:
- Be at a computer that is IP-authenticated by your institution
Or, - Have a ProQuest username and password they can log in with
Or, - Have a My Research username and password they can sign in with
Choosing a layout for your widget
In the Widget layout area you can:
- Pick a style and theme for your widget
- Set the size of the widget
- Customize the logo/header, text and tips
Use the +/- icons to collapse or expand individual sections.
Choosing a style
There are two styles to choose from. To see examples of how you can customize each style, hover on the corresponding information icon.
Choosing themes
You can choose a pre-defined theme, or use the Customize theme area to choose from a wider range of font, color and display options.
Adding a logo, headings, custom text, and tips
Use the radio buttons in the Heading, text and tips section to choose whether to add search tips, your own heading or logo or custom text to the widget. Customize the text style, color, size, and alignment.
Changing the size of your widget
- Automatic — The size of the widget will automatically adjust to fit its contents
- Custom — Enter exact values, or click and drag the sliders to set the appropriate width
- 320px x 410px — Create a widget for accessing ProQuest via a mobile device
The Widget Preview area is updated with your changes. When you are happy with the appearance of your widget, click Get Widget to generate the HTML code. Paste the code into the HTML for your Web page.
Widget setup
Specify the databases your search widget will run against.
Search limits & options
The Search limits and options area allows you to apply limits and options to your search, including:
- Apply these limits - restrict your search to documents that include the published full text, or items from scholarly journals.
- Search within - limit your search to occurrences of your search term(s) in the citation and abstract only.
- Additional search terms - enter any terms you want automatically added to your searches. Boolean operators and quotes are supported.
- Search box text - you can specify search terms to automatically display in the search box. By default, ProQuest will combine your search terms with the AND operator. That means that ProQuest will return only documents that contain all of your search terms. Users can either click Search, to search on the terms you supplied, or overtype your terms with their own. Alternatively, you can specify that the search box should display some custom text.
Proxies and accounts
This area enables you to specify a proxy server and account ID to take users of your widget to the preferred authentication method.