Every document in every ProQuest database is indexed to capture individual bits of information about the document, for example, its title, the author, and ISSN or ISBN numbers. You'll see a document's indexing information when you view the document. This indexing makes it possible for ProQuest users to take advantage of search fields, such as Author, and the corresponding field codes, such as AU, to create very precise searches.
The Advanced Search, and Command Line Search sections provide you with search fields in dropdown lists for you to use in your search to tap into specific bits of indexed document information.
Find field codes and search fields for:
- Frequently used search fields & field codes
- Search fields as limiters
- ProQuest Dialog field codes
- Advanced Search
- Command Line Search
Frequently used search fields
Search Field | Corresponding Field Code | Example |
Abstract | AB | AB(food) |
Accession number | AN | AN(1713554) - searches both the ProQuest document ID (applied to all documents) and the 3rd party document ID (applied to some databases, such as PsycINFO). |
Author | AU | AU(smith) |
Document feature | DF | DF(maps) |
Document text | FT | FT(food) |
Document title | TI | TI(food) |
Document type | DTYPE | DTYPE(literature review) |
ISBN(3-926608-58-7) ISBN(3926608587) (hyphens optional) |
ISSN | ISSN | ISSN(10673881) ISSN(1067-3881) (hyphens optional) |
Issue | ISS | ISS(23) |
Language | LA | LA(french) |
Location as subject | LOC | LOC(france) |
Person as subject | PER | PER(smith) |
Publication date | PD |
Year, month, day: |
Publication year | YR | YR(2005) |
Publications | PUB | PUB(wall street journal) |
Source type | STYPE | STYPE(newspapers) |
Subjects | SU | SU(higher education) |
Tags | TAG | TAG(benefits) |
Volume | VO | VO(85) |
Search fields as limiters
Search field | Field code | Example |
Abstract included | ABANY | ABANY(yes) - retrieves documents that include the abstract |
Full text | FTANY | FTANY(yes) - retrieves documents that provide full text |
Peer reviewed | PEER | PEER(yes) - retrieves documents that are peer reviewed |
Scholarly | SCHOL | SCHOL(yes) - retrieves documents that are scholarly |
ProQuest Dialog Field Codes
Search field | Field code | Example |
EMBASE subjects | EMB | EMB(nutrition) |
EMBASE major subjects | MJEMB | MJEMB(mental health) |
MeSH | MESH | MESH(infection) |
Major MeSH | MJMESH | MJMESH(birth rate) |
Advanced Search field codes
Search field | Field code |
Abstract | AB |
All fields (no full text) | ALL |
Author | AU |
Company/org | ORG |
Document text | FT |
Document title | TI |
Location | LOC |
Person | PER |
Publication title | PUB |
Subject heading (all) | SU |
Tags | TAG |
Command Line Search field codes
Field name | Field Code |
ALogP | LOGP |
Abstract | AB |
Accession number | AN |
Address | ADR |
Advisor | ADV |
Age | AE |
Agency | AG |
All fields (no full text) | ALL |
Amount note | AMN |
Article geographic terms | ALOC |
Article subject terms | ASUT |
Article taxonomic terms | ATX |
Articles about US Hispanics | USHIS |
Auditor | AUD |
Author affiliation | AF |
Authors | AU |
Availability | AV |
Available for licensing region | ALIC |
Book title | BK |
Broad subject | BSU |
Caption | CAP |
Category (table/figure type) | FIGT |
Cited author | CAU |
Cited document title | CTI |
Cited publication title | CPUB |
Cited year | CYR |
Classification | CC |
Column | COL |
Committee member | CMT |
Company | CO |
Company as subject | ORG |
Conference sponsor | CS |
Conference | CF |
Conference title | CFTI |
Contact individual | CX |
Copyright | CY |
Corporate author | CA |
Country | CNT |
Country name | RG |
Dateline | DLN |
Degree | DG |
Department | DEP |
Development history | HI |
Director | DIRECTOR |
Document feature | DF |
Document text | FT |
Document title | TI |
Document type | DTYPE |
Drug originator | DOR |
Edition | EN |
Editor | ED |
Education level | LV |
Email address | EA |
EMBASE subjects | EMB |
Environmental regime | ER |
EPA number | EPA |
Fax | FA |
Folklore | FK |
Format availability | FV |
Format covered | FC |
Fortune 500 rank | FORT |
Frequency of publication | FQ |
From database | FDB |
Full description | MEC |
Funding amount | AM |
Funding type | FTYPE |
Gallery | GA |
General literary topic | GSU |
Generic name | GN |
Genetic sequence | GQ |
Geologic time | GT |
Grant information | GI |
Group | GRP |
HBond acceptor | HBA |
HBond donor | HBD |
Holding library | HL |
Indicator | IND |
Influence | IFL |
Input center number, ASFA | TR |
Instrument | INS |
International classification | IC |
Inventor | INV |
Issue | ISS |
Journal editors | JED |
Journal subjects | JSU |
Journal title | JN |
Keywords/identifiers | IF |
Language | LA |
Last revision date | LR |
Latitude & longitude | LL |
LC control number | LC |
Lecture/series | LEC |
Linguistic topic | LSU |
Lipinski values | LIP |
Literary genre | LGR |
Literary source | LSO |
Literary technique | LT |
Literary theme | LTM |
Location as subject | LOC |
Location of work | LOW |
Major MeSH | MJMESH |
Major subject | MJSUB |
Manuscript type | MTYPE |
Map information | MP |
Market rating | MKR |
Market segment | SEG |
Material | ML |
Material classification | MC |
MeSH subjects | MESH |
Media | MD |
Methodology | ME |
Molecular formula | MF |
Molecular weight | MW |
Monograph title | MT |
Narrow subject | NSU |
National literature | NL |
New chemical entity | NCE |
Non-polymer material | NM |
Notes | NT |
Novelty rating | NVR |
Number of references | NR |
Object DOI | ODOI |
Object geographic terms | OLOC |
Object statistical terms | STAT |
Object taxonomic terms | OTX |
Organizer | ON |
Origin of substance | OS |
Original title | OTI |
Other contributors | OAU |
Other numbers | NU |
Patent applicant | AP |
Patent application data | PA |
Patent country | PC |
Patent information | PAT |
Patent issue date | PI |
Patent number | PN |
Patent priority country | PPC |
Patent priority data | PR |
Patent priority date | PRD |
Patent priority number | PRN |
Patent publication country | PBC |
Patent publication date | PDA |
Person as subject | PER |
Pharmacokinetic data | PK |
Phase | PHS |
Phone number | TE |
Physical description | PH |
Place of publication | CP |
Population | POP |
PQ subject | PSUB |
Predictive model | EQ |
Price quoted | PQ |
Process | PRC |
Producer | PRODUCER |
Product as subject | NP |
Publication date | PD |
Publication date range | DL |
Publication type | RTYPE |
Publication year | YR |
Publication/order number | DISPUB |
Publications | PUB |
Publisher | PB |
Publisher city (IBA only) | PBCITY |
Publisher location | PBLOC |
Rating | RAT |
References | REF |
Registry number | RN |
Related work | RW |
Report number | RP |
Requirements | RQ |
Resource location | RL |
Reviewed work | RV |
Revision | REV |
Rotational bonds | ROT |
Route of administration | RO |
Scholar | SCR |
Scholarly approach | SAP |
Scholarly theory | STH |
Scholarly tool | STO |
School name/code | SCH |
Section | SEC |
Series | SR |
Shelfmark | SH |
Source type | STYPE |
Specific language | SLA |
Speed rating | SPR |
Sponsor | SP |
Sponsor type | SPT |
Sponsoring organization | SPORG |
Start page | PAGE |
Status | ST |
Study names/identifiers | STI |
Subfile | SFL |
Subject-author | SAU |
Subject-language | SUL |
Subject-work | SWK |
Subject-work (translated title) | TWK |
Subject area | SBA |
Subject/artist | SA |
Subjects | SU |
Substance | DN |
Substance | SUBST |
Summary language | SL |
Supplement | SUPP |
Supplemental file types | SPTYPE |
Table of contents | TOC |
Tags | TAG |
Target audience | TA |
Target data | TG |
Taxonomic terms | TXTERM |
Tests & measures | TM |
Therapeutic class | TC |
Therapy status | TST |
Ticker symbol | TKS |
Time period | TPR |
Total rating | TRAT |
Trade name | TN |
Treatment | TT |
Update date | UD |
Volume | VO |
Volume/issue DVI | DISVOL |
Word count | WC |