Common Field Codes
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Every document in every ProQuest database is indexed to capture individual bits of information about the document, for example, its title, the author, and ISSN or ISBN numbers. You'll see a document's indexing information when you view the document. This indexing makes it possible for ProQuest users to take advantage of search fields, such as Author, and the corresponding field codes, such as AU, to create very precise searches.

The Advanced Search, and Command Line Search sections provide you with search fields in dropdown lists for you to use in your search to tap into specific bits of indexed document information. 

Find field codes and search fields for:

Frequently used search fields

Search Field Corresponding Field Code Example
Abstract AB AB(food)
Accession number AN AN(1713554) - searches both the ProQuest document ID (applied to all documents) and the 3rd party document ID (applied to some databases, such as PsycINFO).
Author AU AU(smith)
Document feature DF DF(maps)
Document text FT FT(food)
Document title TI TI(food)
Document type DTYPE DTYPE(literature review)


ISBN(3926608587) (hyphens optional)

ISSN ISSN ISSN(10673881)
ISSN(1067-3881) (hyphens optional)
Issue ISS ISS(23)
Language LA LA(french)
Location as subject LOC LOC(france)
Person as subject PER PER(smith)
Publication date PD

Year, month, day:
PD(YYYYMMDD) -> PD(19900504)

Year and month:
PD(nov and 1990)
PD(YYYYMM) -> PD(199011)

Year only:

Publication year YR YR(2005)
Publications PUB PUB(wall street journal)
Source type STYPE STYPE(newspapers)
Subjects SU SU(higher education)
Tags TAG TAG(benefits)
Volume VO VO(85)

Search fields as limiters

Search field Field code Example
Abstract included ABANY ABANY(yes) - retrieves documents that include the abstract
Full text FTANY FTANY(yes) - retrieves documents that provide full text
Peer reviewed PEER PEER(yes) - retrieves documents that are peer reviewed
Scholarly SCHOL SCHOL(yes) - retrieves documents that are scholarly

ProQuest Dialog Field Codes

Search field Field code Example
EMBASE subjects EMB EMB(nutrition)
EMBASE major subjects MJEMB MJEMB(mental health)
MeSH MESH MESH(infection)
Major MeSH MJMESH MJMESH(birth rate)

Advanced Search field codes

Search field Field code
Abstract AB
All fields (no full text) ALL
Author AU
Company/org ORG
Document text FT
Document title TI
Location LOC
Person PER
Publication title PUB
Subject heading (all) SU
Tags TAG

Command Line Search field codes

Field name Field Code
Abstract AB
Accession number AN
Address ADR
Advisor ADV
Age AE
Agency AG
All fields (no full text) ALL
Amount note AMN
Article geographic terms ALOC
Article subject terms ASUT
Article taxonomic terms ATX
Articles about US Hispanics USHIS
Auditor AUD
Author affiliation AF
Authors AU
Availability AV
Available for licensing region ALIC
Book title BK
Broad subject BSU
Caption CAP
Category (table/figure type) FIGT
Cited author CAU
Cited document title CTI
Cited publication title CPUB
Cited year CYR
Classification CC
Column COL
Committee member CMT
Company CO
Company as subject ORG
Conference sponsor CS
Conference CF
Conference title CFTI
Contact individual CX
Copyright CY
Corporate author CA
Country CNT
Country name RG
Dateline DLN
Degree DG
Department DEP
Development history HI
Document feature DF
Document text FT
Document title TI
Document type DTYPE
Drug originator DOR
Edition EN
Editor ED
Education level LV
Email address EA
EMBASE subjects EMB
Environmental regime ER
EPA number EPA
Fax FA
Folklore FK
Format availability FV
Format covered FC
Fortune 500 rank FORT
Frequency of publication FQ
From database FDB
Full description MEC
Funding amount AM
Funding type FTYPE
Gallery GA
General literary topic GSU
Generic name GN
Genetic sequence GQ
Geologic time GT
Grant information GI
Group GRP
HBond acceptor HBA
HBond donor HBD
Holding library HL
Indicator IND
Influence IFL
Input center number, ASFA TR
Instrument INS
International classification IC
Inventor INV
Issue ISS
Journal editors JED
Journal subjects JSU
Journal title JN
Keywords/identifiers IF
Language LA
Last revision date LR
Latitude & longitude LL
LC control number LC
Lecture/series LEC
Linguistic topic LSU
Lipinski values LIP
Literary genre LGR
Literary source LSO
Literary technique LT
Literary theme LTM
Location as subject LOC
Location of work LOW
Major subject MJSUB
Manuscript type MTYPE
Map information MP
Market rating MKR
Market segment SEG
Material ML
Material classification MC
MeSH subjects MESH
Media MD
Methodology ME
Molecular formula MF
Molecular weight MW
Monograph title MT
Narrow subject NSU
National literature NL
New chemical entity NCE
Non-polymer material  NM
Notes NT
Novelty rating NVR
Number of references NR
Object geographic terms OLOC
Object statistical terms STAT
Object taxonomic terms OTX
Organizer ON
Origin of substance OS
Original title OTI
Other contributors OAU
Other numbers NU
Patent applicant AP
Patent application data PA
Patent country PC
Patent information PAT
Patent issue date PI
Patent number PN
Patent priority country PPC
Patent priority data PR
Patent priority date PRD
Patent priority number PRN
Patent publication country PBC
Patent publication date PDA
Person as subject PER
Pharmacokinetic data PK
Phase PHS
Phone number TE
Physical description PH
Place of publication CP
Population POP
PQ subject PSUB
Predictive model EQ
Price quoted PQ
Process PRC
Product as subject NP
Publication date PD
Publication date range DL
Publication type RTYPE
Publication year YR
Publication/order number DISPUB
Publications PUB
Publisher PB
Publisher city (IBA only) PBCITY
Publisher location PBLOC
Rating RAT
References REF
Registry number RN
Related work RW
Report number RP
Requirements RQ
Resource location RL
Reviewed work RV
Revision REV
Rotational bonds ROT
Route of administration RO
Scholar SCR
Scholarly approach SAP
Scholarly theory STH
Scholarly tool STO
School name/code SCH
Section SEC
Series SR
Shelfmark SH
Source type STYPE
Specific language SLA
Speed rating SPR
Sponsor SP
Sponsor type SPT
Sponsoring organization SPORG
Start page PAGE
Status ST
Study names/identifiers STI
Subfile SFL
Subject-author SAU
Subject-language SUL
Subject-work SWK
Subject-work (translated title) TWK
Subject area SBA
Subject/artist SA
Subjects SU
Substance DN
Substance SUBST
Summary language SL
Supplement SUPP
Supplemental file types SPTYPE
Table of contents TOC
Tags TAG
Target audience TA
Target data TG
Taxonomic terms TXTERM
Tests & measures TM
Therapeutic class TC
Therapy status TST
Ticker symbol TKS
Time period TPR
Total rating TRAT
Trade name TN
Treatment TT
Update date UD
Volume VO
Volume/issue DVI DISVOL
Word count WC


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