With a My Research account, you can specify ProQuest preference settings that will be in effect whenever you have signed in to your account.
Library administrators can set up account preferences using the ProQuest Administrator Module (PAM). See the Administrator Module help pages within PAM to learn more.
Interface settings and display
What language do you want to use to experience ProQuest? Choose an interface language from the dropdown list. English is the default. Select Let browser choose if you want ProQuest to detect where you are accessing the Internet from, and change the interface language accordingly.
Important to know: You can also change the interface language by clicking the current language selection, displayed as a link, in the toolbar at the top right of ProQuest pages. Click the link to display the Change language popup offering a list of available languages.
Select a format for date display throughout ProQuest.
Results display
Number of results to display per page
Select 20, 50, or 100.
Sort results by
By default, your search results are sorted by relevance, meaning articles most relevant to your search terms will be at top of the list. Use the Sort results by section to change the default results display to show oldest documents or most recent documents first.
Calculating relevance takes into account:
- The number of times your search term appears in an article
- Which field it appears in
- Where in the document it appears
Duplicate documents
Duplicate documents in search results occur when the same document is found and returned from multiple selected databases. Select the checkbox to allow duplicates in your search results.
Search customization
You can use the Search customization settings on the Preferences page to choose whether your searches will automatically include US and UK spelling variants, or plural, comparative and superlative forms of your search terms. By default, spelling variants and variant forms are not included in your searches; check the relevant checkbox to include them.
The autocomplete feature provides suggestions from previously successful searches by all ProQuest users. The list changes as you type, to match previous searches that start with what you have entered at any point. Click any term in the list to immediately search for that term. You can enable or disable this feature from the Preferences page.
Citations and export
Citation style
Set your default citation style. The style you select will be the default used whenever a citation is included when you email, save, download, or otherwise reference documents from ProQuest while signed in to your account.
The following citation styles are available:
- APA 6th – American Psychological Association, 6th Edition
- APA 5th– American Psychological Association, 5th Edition
- APA 6th – Annotated with Abstracts - American Psychological Association, 6th Edition
- APA 5th – Annotated with Abstracts - American Psychological Association, 5th Edition
- AMA – American Medical Association, 10th Edition
- ASA - American Sociological Association, 3rd Edition
- Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas
- BibTeX
- Chicago 15th Edition (Author-Date System)
- Chicago 15th Edition (Notes & Bibliography)
- Council of Biology Editors - CBE 6th, Citation-Sequence
- Council of Biology Editors - CBE 6th, Name-Year Sequence
- Council of Science Editors - CSE 7th, Citation-Sequence
- Council of Science Editors - CSE 7th, Name-Year Sequence
- Harvard
- Harvard - British Standard
- ISO 690:2010(E) (First Element-Date)
- ISO 690:2010(E) (Numeric Method)
- MLA 7th Edition
- MLA 6th Edition
- MLA 6th Edition, Annotated with Abstracts
- Turabian 7th Edition (Notes)
- Turabian 7th Edition (Reference List)
- Uniform – Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals
- Vancouver
Select a default email format. You can send emails from a number of pages or popups within ProQuest. For example, you might send a displayed document to your home email address.
Important to know: Select HTML format if you think you might want to email document image items, or format the text in your email. The Text only format does not support sending images or formatting text.