My Research > Administration > Workgroups

Glossary Item Box

Any My Research user can be designated as an administrator in the ProQuest Administration Module (PAM). The administrator has privileges to create My Research accounts for other users, view user account information, and assign users to workgroups. By defining workgroups, and then adding users to those workgroups, administrators can assign common user interface settings and database selections to groups of users.

Administrators who sign in to My Research will see an Administration link at the upper right corner of ProQuest pages, beneath the Selected items link.

The Administration page

The default tab view on this page is My Research Accounts. To manage workgroups, click the tab labeled My Research Workgroups. If you have never created any workgroups, the Administration page provides some introductory text, along with links to:

View default workgroup settings

Default workgroup settings apply to all users associated with the institution, with all users by default belonging to a workgroup named Default. When you click the View default workgroup settings link, the My Research workgroup popup displays. The popup is read-only, meaning you can view, but not change the settings. These default settings are specified in the ProQuest Administrator Module (PAM): 

Workgroup NameDefault. As the administrator defines workgroups they are added to the drop-list in alphabetical order, beneath Default.

User Interface — This section provides two user preference settings:

Databases — Shows the databases that workgroup members will be able to search.

Create a new workgroup

When you click this link, a popup titled Create My Research workgroup displays. The sections of the popup are the same as those described above for viewing the default workgroup settings. However, they are no longer read-only.

The Workgroup name can be up to 30 characters—letters and numbers—and is not case sensitive.

Important to know — Click the Icon for more information icon corresponding to any listed databases to display a popup containing a brief description of the database. Click Close to close the popup and re-open the Create My Research workgroup popup.

After entering a name, specifying interface settings, and selecting databases, click Save. Your new workgroup is reflected on the page as a row in a table displaying information for each workgroup and allowing your to edit or delete a workgroup.

Adding users to workgroups from the My Research Accounts tab

Adding many users to a workgroup at the same time when you create new accounts

You can upload a comma separated values (CSV) file containing user information and workgroup names. Be sure that the workgroup names you reference in your CSV file exactly match your workgroup names or the corresponding users will be assigned to the Default workgroup, rather than the workgroup you intended.

Add a user to a workgroup from the My Research Accounts page

If you’ve created one or more accounts:

  1. Select checkboxes corresponding to one or more accounts in the table.
  2. Click the add to workgroup link to display the Add users to workgroup popup.
  3. Select a workgroup name from the drop-list.
  4. Click Save.

You can also add a user to a workgroup by selecting a workgroup from the dropdown menu when creating a single user account, or when editing a My Research account.

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