Documents Overview
Viewing documents > Documents Overview

Glossary Item Box

When you run a search, ProQuest returns a list of matching documents. Click any document in the list to open it in Document View. Documents can be available in one or more formats.

With a document displayed you can:

What you can do with a document

See the Search results Help topic for details about each of the tasks listed above.

The section below describes other available document tasks.


Email an item to yourself and others. You can specify the level of available document detail (Citation, abstract, indexing, full text, etc.) you want to send, as well as selecting a citation format. In the case of emails in PDF format, you can also specify a page or page range to include in the email.


Click the Print link to open a version of the currently displayed document formatted for printing. Navigation options and interface elements are removed. Use your browser to print the page.

Note: If you are working with video content, the Print page will not include video stills; if you want to print these, pause the video player at the appropriate point, then use your browser’s print options from the Video Document View page.


Click the Cite link to create a formatted citation you can include in a bibliography.

The following citation styles are available:


You can choose to translate either a document’s abstract, or its full text. Click the Translate link, and select a language. With a translation performed, the link toggles to Undo Translation.

Important to know: When you click Translate, a disclaimer advises that this is an "on-the-fly" machine translation, and “is in no way intended to replace human translation.”

Click the Translate link to obtain a machine translation of a document in your selected language.

Request an inter-library loan

If your institution has enabled this feature, you will be able to request inter-library loans directly from the Document View in ProQuest.

Preview related documents

Click See similar documents in the More like this panel at right side of the document display to view links to related articles that you may find interesting. You can use the Preview icon to view summary information about the documents to determine which ones you are interested in. To hide the list, simply click See similar documents again.

You can email, print, cite, export and save articles from the Preview layer in the same way as from the main Document View/Video Document View page.

Indexing information

The Indexing (details) section contains all available bibliographic information for the item. A permanent link to the item is also included for you to bookmark or include in your own documents.

Clicking a linked subject term in the indexing section will retrieve other items indexed under that subject term and take you to a new Search Results page. You can also find other items by the same author, or in the same publication, by clicking linked author/publication names, or you can retrieve other items in a particular volume/issue by clicking a linked volume/issue number.

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