My Research > Managing alerts and RSS feeds > Alerts

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Create or modify an alert

Alerts status tracker

Alerts are automated email notifications you create to deliver new content—as it becomes available in ProQuest Dialog—that matches your search.

A search results list displays when you run any of these searches in ProQuest Dialog:

Basic Search

Advanced Search

Look Up Citation

Command Line

Find Similar

An icon labeled Create alert is available as a link in these locations:

Click the link to define your alert details. After responding to an email from ProQuest Dialog to confirm the email address you provided, your alert is activated.

When you click the Create alert link you will be prompted to set up a My Research account if you do not have one, or log in to My Research if you do.

Create or modify an alert

Both the Create alert and Modify alert popups contain the following steps and associated fields.

Step 1—Enter delivery details

Search summary

Searched for: Reflects the search you performed. Your alerts will be based on that search.
Important to know — When you modify an alert that is based on a single search and does not have recent sets (searches) saved with it, an Edit search query link displays alongside your Searched for terms in the Modify alert popup. Click the link to display the Basic, Advanced, or Command Line search page where you created the search, with your original terms and any limiters, such as the Full text checkbox selected, shown. Change your search terms and limiters, then click Update alert to modify the search your alert is based on. Optionally click Search to see a results list first. You can then click the Update alert link on the results page to update the search.

Define your alert

Schedule your alert

Step 2—Define preferences

Define your alert preferences

Costs associated with creating ProQuest Dialog alerts

When you create an alert in ProQuest Dialog with one or more transactional databases selected, you will incur a monthly maintenance fee for each selected transactional database. To see what the fee is for each database:

  1. Click the Change databases link in the blue bar at the top left of any ProQuest Dialog page.
  2. Scroll the list to find your selected databases. Transactional databases in the list display a corresponding $ Pricing link.
  3. Click the $ Pricing link to view pricing information for content and services in that database.

Creating an alert without a My Research account

When you are not signed into a My Research account:

Important to know — If the document was found in a transactional database, you will incur a charge when you open the document.

For any document listed in your alert email:

Managing your alerts in My Research

You can view and manage all of your alerts when you are signed into your My Research account. If you don’t have an account, check out the benefits.

Click the Alerts tab at the top of your My Research page. The Alerts page displays a single list of the alerts you’ve created. By default, your alerts are listed in the order you created them, with your newest alert listed first.

With your alerts list displayed, you can:

Alerts status tracker

Click the Status tracker link from the Alerts tab in My Research to access the status tracker, a table view of your alerts in the same order shown on the Alerts tab - sorted by alert name or the date the alert was created.

The status tracker shows you when each of your alerts was last sent, and how many documents were sent at that time. You can check if your alert is active or expired, and view the recipients of your alert. In addition, you can resend your alert, and look at the history of your alert.


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